Wednesday 3 January 2018

What is the scientific method?


What is the scientific method?

The scientific method is a guide of rules followed when a new question is being answered or when new knowledge is attained. It is usually about observing a situation then thinking and coming with an answer.

Tuesday 2 January 2018


  Abel & Daryl:

   Today we set up our blog for our investigation for

Effect of the amount of friction for different sandpaper treatment for the tiles

In this experiment, we will use a sandpaper machine to change the friction of the floors then record the amount of force required to drag an object across it. This will be useful for elderly people, who are prone to falls, thus we could apply tiles that have been treated to a certain degree of sandpapering, making it rougher and less slippery, thus preventing elderly from falling on their homes.

What is the scientific method?

4/1/2018 What is the scientific method? The scientific method is a guide of rules followed when a new question is being answered or whe...